dimanche 9 novembre 2008


voir la video
Cette scène se déroule au restaurant La Contéa, à Neive, une petite ville de la province de Cunéo en Italie, autour de la table : Luciano Rigolini (comissionning editor pour la chaine franco-allemande Arte), Claire Simon (réalisatrice dont le dernier film vient de sortir en salles: les bureaux de Dieux), le journaliste cinéma Scott Foundas et Kim et Orin Domenico.

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1 commentaire:

  1. This is the seventh week on line. It has been an exhilarating ride! I have been traveling, shooting and editing since August 25th. Thousands of people in 106 countries have watched the chapters. In several weeks I will be in Paris and then around the world to continue filming. The story unfolds. I want to thank all the people who are following the chapters.


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